• Watermelon Sugar Baby

    The growing season is 65-75 days. The fruits are globular with smooth surfaces, black and green. The bark is thin. The flesh is bright red, grainy, juicy, and sweet. The seeds are small and brown. Heat-loving, heat-resistant and drought-resistant plant. Sown in the ground with soil temperature +12 degrees in a wide row way according to the scheme 140×70 cm. not demanding, prefers sandy and black earth loam with neutral reaction. Areas are preferably gentle, well warmed and illuminated.

  • Watermelon Crimson Sweet

    Market leader in early maturity (60-65 days). Highly productive. Suitable for cultivation in open ground and under cover. Gives a stable harvest even in dry conditions. Fruits are rounded, with an average weight of 7-9 kg, and tolerate transportation well. The flesh is bright red, crispy, sweet, and has thin textures. The seeds are small and brown. Thermophilic, heat-resistant, and drought-resistant plant. Sown in the soil at a soil temperature of +12 degrees in a wide-row way according to the scheme 140×70 cm. It is not picky about soils and prefers chernozem sandy loam with a neutral reaction.

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