• Melon Honey Dew

    Early ripe to maturity 77 days. The fruit is lemon-yellow, without a net or cracks, weighing 1/2 kg. The flesh is white, tender, juicy, and sweet. Yield 90-100 c/ha. Disease-resistant. Demanding on heat, heat-resistant, highly resistant to lack of moisture. Plants need good lighting. It is better to grow on fertile soils: dark loams and light loams. Sow at a soil temperature of 13 degrees C, according to the scheme of 140×70 cm, with one plant in the nest. The depth of incorporation of seeds is 3-4 cm. To obtain early products, the seedling method of cultivation is used, greenhouses, temporary film shelters, and seedlings are grown for 25-30 days

  • Melon Ananas

    Mid-season variety. The vegetation period from germination to technical maturity is 75-95 days. Fruits are oval, orange in color with a mesh on the peel, 14-16 cm long, and weighing 2-2.5 kg. The flesh is white, juicy, oily, and aromatic, reminiscent of pineapple in taste. In the northern regions, it is recommended to grow through seedlings.

    Melon Ananas


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