• Courgette Bianca di Trieste

    An early and very productive variety of zucchini. Days to Maturity: 50-60 Days, medium leaf, corrugated. The fruits are light green in technical maturity, and the flesh is white tender, of medium density. Fruits of cylindrical shape with a marketable mass of 0.3-0.5 kg with a length of 20-25 cm, the seed chamber is not large. Yield – up to 6.5 kg per 1m2. The variety is resistant to diseases and does not need additional care in the process of cultivation. Perfect for canning.

  • Courgette Astra Polka

    Early maturing, high-yielding variety. The vegetative period from germination to the beginning of fruiting is 40-45 days. The bush is compact, without side shoots. The fruits are cylindrical in shape with a smooth surface, dark green with small specks, 30-35 cm long, 12 cm in diameter, weighing about 1 kg. The flesh is white, crispy, and tender. It is used for salting, marinating, and preparing culinary dishes. Recommended for growing in film greenhouses.

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