Broccoli Ramoso Calabrese
A variety of asparagus cabbage. Sow February-June & September-October. Harvest May-October & March-April. Sow thinly into a finely raked seedbed at a depth of 13mm (½”) and cover lightly with soil. Germination usually takes 7-10 days. Forms a loose head of dark green color. It has a high nutritional value.
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Brussels Sprouts Long Island
Biennial plant. In the first year, it forms a stem 40-60 cm high. Small heads of cabbage, ranging in size from a walnut to a chicken egg, develop in the axils of the leaves. Recommended for freezing and canning for further use in home cooking.
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Cauliflower All the Year Round
Mid-early, from planting seedlings to the formation of a harvest of 65-72 days. Plants form dense heads of creamy white color, with a diameter of 18-22 cm and an average weight of 1 kg. The variety is intended for cultivation in the open soil in the spring-summer and autumn periods. To obtain early harvests, seeds are sown on seedlings in March, April or directly into the soil in the third decade of April. To obtain at a later date, seeds are sown at the end of May.
£4.56 -
Cabbage Wong Bok
Early maturing, vitamin plant. From sprouts to technical ripeness, 30-50 days. Heads are elongated-cylindrical. The leaf blades are tender in consistency, the veins are juicy, and the taste is good. Sowing dates in the protected ground January-February. In the open soil – the end of April. In the open soil, sow according to a two- or multi-line system, preferable 20 cm between lines.
£1.99Cabbage Wong Bok
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Cabbage Pak Choi
Cold-resistant, high-yielding, super early 45-50 days, unpretentious, very popular variety. Leaves are tender and light green, petioles are white, elastic, and have an excellent spicy taste. It is used fresh for preparing vitamin salads and for salting with spicy and aromatic herbs. Unpretentious, resistant to adverse weather conditions. Contains vitamin C, mineral salts, and carotene. It can be grown all year round in open and closed ground.
£1.99Cabbage Pak Choi
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White Cabbage Copenhagen Marke
Early ripe high-yielding, cold-resistant variety, from planting seedlings to ripening heads of 60-65 days. Intended for fresh consumption. The plant is small and compact. The head of cabbage is rounded, weighing 1,5-2,5 kg, dense, of excellent quality. Sow seedlings from mid-March. Seedlings, with 4-5 true leaves, are planted in the ground in late April – early May, according to the scheme: the distance between rows is 40-45 cm, between plants in a row is 20-25 cm. The best soils are loamy with a high content of humus, with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction.
£1.99 -
Cabbage Eersteling
Early ripe variety. The growing season from germination to technical ripeness is 95-110 days. The cabbage is cone-shaped, of medium density, weighing 1.5-2 kg, dark green in color. The variety is valued for its high yield and transportability. It is recommended for fresh consumption and for fermentation.
£1.99Cabbage Eersteling